Hawaiian airlines plane

10 November, 2009

Hawaiian airlines plane Hawaii stocks mixed; Wall St. up with consumer confidence - Hawaiian Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: HA), parent company of Hawaiian Airlines, up 1.1 percent to $7.29. Barnwell Industries (Amex: BRN) was up slightly at Hawaiian Airlines pilots set strike vote - HONOLULU (AP) Hawaiian Airlines pilots scheduled a strike authorization vote for Tuesday, the same day informational picketing by their union begins at Hawaii stocks, Wall St. up on jobs report - Hawaiian Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: HA), parent company of Hawaiian Airlines, up 2.2 percent to $6.86. Barnwell Industries (Amex: BRN) was up 1 percent at HTA unveils 2010 marketing campaign - Other positive signs are a code-share agreement between Hawaiian Airlines and Korean for travel between Seoul and Busan, South Korea, and Honolulu; UAW Fighting to Keep California Assembly Plant Open, and More - ALPA, Hawaiian Airlines: Hawaiian Airlines pilots, represented by the Line Pilots (ALPA), scheduled a strike authorization vote Aug. What Hawaii is doing to bring more visitors - Hawaiian Airlines has an expanding codeshare deal with Korea Airlines that includes a neighbor island trip, and it is doing a similar piggyback to put more Maui Travel: Hawaiian Airlines announces new TSA rules - In accordance with new TSA rules and regulations, Hawaiian Airlines will now collect the required information on all traveling passengers traveling on and

News from around the world - Hawaiian Airlines had the best on-time performance in June, while Comair -- a subsidiary of Delta Lines Inc. -- had the worst. Hawaii deals for its 50th anniversary - Marriott Resorts Hawaii, along with the Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau, Hawaiian Airlines, and Hertz, is commemorating the state's birthday by giving Hawaiian Airlines pilots set strike vote - HONOLULU (AP) Hawaiian Airlines pilots scheduled a strike authorization vote for Tuesday, the same day informational picketing by their union begins at Rainbows must bring 'A' game - As imposing as last week's opponents were, this week's field in the 22nd annual Hawaiian Airlines Wahine Classic is better: Saint Louis, tomorrow's opening The Consumer Memo, 8/11: Bud Light blitz - Continental Airlines Inc., US Airways and Hawaiian Airlines were fined by the US Transportation Department for violating consumer regulations. Yogi helps ignite Longhorns' defense - night of the Hawaiian Airlines Wahine Volleyball Classic, there will be a quiet, but much-anticipated homecoming for another player earlier in the day. Volunteers help Nature Conservancy restore South Kona forest - Volunteers Tani-Kaye Sorensen (Human Resources Manager) and Erin Ito (Human Resources Information Systems Manager) of Hawaiian Airlines prepare to plant a

Mokulele Airlines offers unlimited flight pass for $299, Hawaiian - Hawaiian Airlines and Aloha Airlines had both offered interisland passes for unlimited travel in previous years, but Hawaiian has taken a different approach Volunteers help Nature Conservancy restore South Kona forest - Volunteers Tani-Kaye Sorensen (Human Resources Manager) and Erin Ito (Human Resources Information Systems Manager) of Hawaiian Airlines prepare to plant a Airlines, hotels struggle as business travel plummets - Hawaiian Airlines won the top spot on the ranking, with a 93.3% on-time rating, followed by Alaska Airlines with a rating of 85% and ExpressJet with an 82% ATW Daily News - Hawaiian Airlines' Line Pilots Assn. MEC launched a strike ballot lasting until Sept. 10 asking for authority to strike in protest of "two-and-a-half Rooftop Media Takes Flight with digEcor Distribution Deal - Featuring clips of the best, live stand-up comedy, the Rooftop Comedy Channel will be available on such airlines as Alaska Airlines, Hawaiian Airlines, Marriott Resorts launch Twitter, Facebook and YouTube campaign for - The campaign will award free trips to Hawaii aboard Hawaiian Airlines with stays at Marriott hotels in Hawaii: --25 all-expense paid trips for two to a

Cheap fares - hawaiian airlines offers 7 perfect days in paradise - Hawaiian Airlines has announced a new promotion to the islands of Hawaii -- Seven Perfect Days in Paradise. Planning the ultimate weeklong journey, Hawaii deals for its 50th anniversary - Marriott Resorts Hawaii, along with the Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau, Hawaiian Airlines, and Hertz, is commemorating the state's birthday by giving Rainbows must bring 'A' game - As imposing as last week's opponents were, this week's field in the 22nd annual Hawaiian Airlines Wahine Classic is better: Saint Louis, tomorrow's opening Contests Using Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to Give Away Free - Marriott Resorts Hawaii (@MarriottHawaii) and its partners, Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau, Hawaiian Airlines and Hertz, are making it easy by giving

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