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11 November, 2009College football: Florida's opener looks like mismatch - "It's not easy to just go pick a game. We are constantly in communication with schools, trying to get (a game). We're not going to be a team to go travel Seniors on the Go: Factory Tours -- Still the Best Free Shows - Perkins' new book for small business and independent professionals, "Business Travel When It's Your Money," is now available through Don't divorce, go on holiday, says Indian tour operator - Experienced marriage counsellors, whose costs are paid through deals made with hoteliers and travel agents, will accompany the husbands and wives, Not just for NFL: HS sports combines expanding - Once McCarthy factored in airfare, a hotel room and other travel expenses, he figured he'd end up spending about $2000 for the trip to Oklahoma from Tough debut: Young Terps travel west to face Cal - "You have to go forward." Maryland lost 30 seniors from last year's team and has 58 players with at least three years of eligibility remaining. Does High Speed Rail Have a Future? - Ryan Avent defends these sorts of rail links on the grounds that if you view intercity rail as a substitute for air travel rather than car travel, 'Dark Void' Travel Kit - Stuff That Came - travel-safe liquid containers and, of course, an air sick bag. Sadly no jetpack, but I guess there's always Gold4Jetpack.com if you wanna go down that
Have Game, T-Will Travel - But Terrence Williams didn't go there (thanks, bub), and he had a fairly lengthy itinerary to recount Tuesday. Just to recap: After summer league in July, This Time, City Says It's Ready for Swine Flu - on them to go to student vaccination sites around the city that will be open on weekends. As the kids are older, they can travel, Mr. Bloomberg said. Vikes go 2-3 at Jayhawk - The Vikings travel to Galena to take on the Bulldogs and Chetopa at 5 pm, Thursday. Matthew Clark can be reached at matthew.clark@morningsun.net or at Go Less, Shorten Treatments to Hold on to the Spa - According to SpaFinder's State of Spa Travel Survey, 58 percent of travel agents reported declines in spa travel bookings year-over-year from January Experience edible jubilation in Spain - (Rick Steves writes European travel guidebooks and hosts travel shows on public television and public radio. E-mail him at , or write to him c/o PO Box 2009 PennDOT to Launch 511 System on Sept. 4 - 4, Pennsylvania travelers can take their "Travel Info to Go" as PennDOT officially launches its 511 system -- 511PA. 511PA provides free, 24-hour Pick up apples and iPods in Vermont - About globe-trotting Travel news, tips, deals and dispatches. Tom Haines, Globe Travel writer, posts regularly from around the world and close to home.
Day tours seen the way to go for Mindanao - He said his travel agency, Surelite Travel and Tours, is already offering day tour packages to Lake Agco and Lake Sebu, which are very popular with foreign Parents Can Teach Teens Valuable Economic Principles When Buying a - For information on AAA tours and cruise packages visit a AAA Travel Agency or go to: AAA.com/Travel. 3. Set a financial goal that must be attained before PennDOT to Launch 511 System on Sept. 4 - 4, Pennsylvania travelers can take their "Travel Info to Go" as PennDOT officially launches its 511 system -- 511PA. 511PA provides free, 24-hour Roam The Web Wirelessly While You Travel The World With New - Perfect for business travelers and others who need to access the Internet and e-mail while on the go, the UMW190's 3G capabilities offer high-speed Internet Pinching pennies: States do what they can to keep programs afloat - Other schools are limiting travel and eliminating coaching stipends and games. At Moorpark High School, in relatively affluent Ventura County, the athletic The Best Laptops, Netbooks, and Smartphones for Travel - Next week I'll look at the top GPS, digital camera, and gear bags for people on the go. Lenovo's ThinkPad X200 ran for nearly 9 hours in our battery tests.
When Plans Go Hubbly Bubbly - Part Two - Breathe, focus inwardly, and trust your gut as the best travel guide - especially when things go unexpectedly hubbly-bubbly. Know who you are and your inner Not just for NFL: HS sports combines expanding - Once McCarthy factored in airfare, a hotel room and other travel expenses, he figured he'd end up spending about $2000 for the trip to Oklahoma from Auditor signs contract giving state control of travel expenses - You can't go in Walgreen's and use it." Also, the credit line will be active only during the time the trip is scheduled. "If employees were by chance to Don't divorce, go on holiday, says Indian tour operator - Experienced marriage counsellors, whose costs are paid through deals made with hoteliers and travel agents, will accompany the husbands and wives,